Wednesday 4 April 2012

The journey begins....

I am finally on my way. Today has given me the promise of novelty - I am currently on the train to Harwich, a place I have never been to; to catch the ferry, and I have never been on a large ship before; - a new view on familiar ground - I have travelled from Aylesbury to Cambridge via Milton Keynes by road many times, but rarely by bus, which has a much higher seating position than a car - and regrettably familiar sensations - the variety of minor glitches that have already shown themselves. I had made checklists; backup provision; checked things against my lists; and given myself thinking time to check for things I had forgotten. So how was it that three quarters of the way to Milton Keynes, I realised I had left the one absolutely vital item on the boat, and moreover I had not got any backup for this one vital item (a data key, loaded with information about the financial arrangements I have made). So nothing for it, but to arrive at Milton Keynes; go back to Aylesbury to pick it up, and return to Milton Keynes. Fortunately I always allow plenty of leeway when travelling. Then I got to Cambridge to find a fact that had totally passed me by; there is only one train (the boat train) to Harwich from Cambridge, and that ran at 19:43.
The well known tourist attraction - Cambridge Rail Station

So I have spent the period from 16:00 to 19:45 at that beautiful and well visited tourist spot of Cambridge Station. Now en-route to Harwich I suspect I will get there too late for my pre-booked dinner. Ah well, they say worse thing happen at sea .......WAIT A MINUTE ......Isn't that where I am going tonight? ARRGH. Throw in the fact that it rained for the first time last night since I completed the long and complicated job of repairing my upper, glazed hatch, and the rain showed up the fact that the repairs aren't as good as they need to be - there are still minor leaks into the boat.

Also my luggage, at 21kilos, and 2 pieces, is heavier than I would have liked, and less wieldy. It seems unavoidable, given that I need clothing suitable for cold and high altitude conditions; plus I like my gadgets - like this netbook I am writing this on.

So I might say this has been a mixed day, with a fair selection of ups and downs. But it is really nice that I am now travelling, after so much planning and preparation. I also enjoy travelling for its own sake.

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