Thursday 5 April 2012

Communication is a wonderful thing

Two minutes after my last post, the train I was on came to a halt, due to a freight train in front of us having broken down. After a delay well in excess of an hour, the rail company decanted all the passengers for the boat at Ipswich, and ferried us by taxi to Harwich. We arrived at the boat at about 23:45, half an hour after check-in had nominally finished. I had booked dinner on the ferry, and this is the first time ever that I have had a main, three course meal after midnight. A brief night's sleep, in a very comfortable cabin, and onto Amsterdam. I arrived in Amsterdam at 10:30, and will be leaving it at 19:00 for Moscow. As I live on the canals, and see quite enough of boats, what was the first thing I did in Amsterdam - that's right, go for a one hour cruise round Amsterdam harbour and its surrounding canals seeing the 100 points of interest.
Amsterdam bridge detail

The really splendid Amsterdam Centraal railway station

It was interesting. Then much of the afternoon trying to get my brand new, fully charged international SIM card to acknowledge that there is an Internet. I finally succeeded in this, as you can see from this blog. Now onto Moscow - having solved the problem of getting enough carry on food for two of the three days the trip will take which don't have a buffet car. Such car is added only at the far side of Poland. A tricky little problem but now sorted.

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