Tuesday 18 June 2019

Diary of a Madcap Idea part V - I have a cunning plan

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A week ago I had my monthly session with the personal trainer who has been advising me on my training. Apart from some fine tuning, to deal with minor problems with specific workout routines, he recommended a little increase in work, but nothing significant. This made sense. The routines he gave me previously were intended to challenge me, and have succeeded in doing so. It was only at the end of last week that I managed to complete the final plan (and even then with some small reductions in speed on the steepest inclines).

This was the last point at which any significant changes to my training could be realistically made. I am away at the end of the month. My trainer is involved in his sport (iron man triathlons!) event, and after these, no changes are likely to have any meaningful effect. It was nice therefore to feel that I have just about reached the level I need to be at to have a fair crack at the trek. I will be continuing my current training routines until towards the end of July. Then I will have to put up with the appalling inconvenience of walking over the top of Holy Island each day for 10 or 11 days. (An inconvenience I am really looking forward to.) The first weeks of August will I expect be comparatively easy, being mainly maintenance rather than development.

All good stuff. An unexpected side effect is of my training is that I have more muscle definition than I have ever had before in my life. This is not to say there is much such definition, merely that compared to a starting level of zero, it is noticeable. I am not sure whether this counts as a beneficial, or detrimental side-effect.

The other things I have been doing in preparation are all trivial, but useful. The last thing I did was to refit my rucsac. It ended up little different to where it started, but those small changes were very evident when back on the treadmill.
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