Thursday 16 March 2017

Start of the trip

2016-10-08T11:11 Chengdu elevation 501m

I went back to the station for some photos that I forgot to take yesterday. Back to the hostel, and after a light meal, over to the hotel to meet the rest of the party. The hotel is very grand - five star plus. In some places, the design got in the way of function. It took me two or three minutes to work out which tap was which and a further two or three minutes to work out how to switch the water flow from the bath to the shower head. Apart from that, very good. Met up with the tour leader and much of the rest of the group at 16:30. We had a meet and greet session, introductions, and an initial talk on what we are going to do over the next month, then off to a meal in the hotel. I was in bed by 19:30 and asleep within about 10 minutes, which is unusual for me. I slept straight through until about 01:30, woke up, had something to drink, went back to bed, and then woke up intermitently up to 05:30, breakfast, and down to the bus to go to the airport.

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