Tuesday 17 July 2012

It's the Only Way to Tavel

I decided to make use of my return air ticket to Thailand. This meant leaving on 2012-07-09, and returning early in September. As the 9th was the day that the Olympic torch was due to pass through Aylesbury, I added even more leeway to my ridiculous margins I allow whenever I am travelling by air. As a result I got to  Heathrow too early (by half an hour) to drop my luggage off, but not too early to check in using one of the automated ticket booths.

When I did check in I was delighted to see that my bog-standard Economy Class ticket had been upgraded to Premier Economy - basically the same thing, but with more leg room and space generally. This is precisely the class I try to book, on those airlines which do not charge an arm and a leg to gain these extra few inches.

Anyway I went onto spend the remaining time as one does in an airport - mooching around; eating; looking at the shops; emailing; writing; reading. Eventually it became time to go to the gate - except the flight had been delayed and information as to why the delay, and how long it would be, were in short supply. Then the gate came up and a herd of people, including me, made our way to the appropriate gate. At this point I was very surprised, and further delighted, to find I had been upgraded again - to Business Class.

So we select few were called first. Onto the plane, and stroll gently up the stairs to the top cabin on a 747, to be ushered to out seat/bed/capsule that is the lot of Business Class, and First Class. Once seated, we were immediately offered our choice of orange juice, champagne or water, and a complimentary newspaper - from a very wide selection. Then we were given our travel packs - bed socks, eye mask, ear plugs, toothbrush and paste, eye freshener, lip balm, skin cleanser, anti-ageing cream; plus a blanket and pillow.  Then the menus were handed out - with multiple choices for each course. Very good food, with if required, champagne cocktails to start. All served on china and glass, with each course separately served - none of this aircraft tray nonsense.

As I had had a good meal in the airport, I passed on the initial meal and chose to sleep. The seat transformed itself into a full length bed, with the aid of the multi- position footstool. On with the eye mask, and settled down to the first good night's sleep I have had on an aircraft. When I awoke, some seven hours into the flight, there were multiple choices - both in drinks, and in-flight entertainment. The selection of films was about three times wider than that in economy class. I watched The Exotic Marigold Hotel - always worth watching the theatrical dames in action. Then breakfast - full English, or continental.

Our immigration cards were handed out together with our priority immigration channel passes - this meant we could go to an immigration channel reserved for Business and First Class passengers - the advantage of which was that there were no queues. Then collect luggage (no special treatment here) and off to a taxi to take me into Bangkok.

So why aren't all journeys like this? Just because we were taking up the resources (carbon footprint, cabin space, attendant service, etc) equivalent to about six economy passengers. Just because, normally, it is massively expensive. Just because upgrades like this are not normally available. This is the only way to travel.

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