Friday 17 July 2009

Preparations for Ladakh

Today was spent travelling down to London to attend a meal (in lieu of a formal briefing) with Master Travel, who are organising the trip I am going on in August. I am going to Ladakh, the very northernmost point of India, and formerly one of the independent Buddhist kingdoms. It is high altitude - most of the trip is about 3400 metres, but we do go over one pass at 5578 metres. I had arranged to pick up my passport with Indian visa at the meal. There were only three of the party (of eight) plus a couple of people from Master Travel. The restaurant they had chosen was a good Italian restaurant near Waterloo. A very pleasant meal and discussion.

After the meal I went down to the South Bank, and found a spot to have a large glass of red wine, while I wrote a few emails. This was not made easier when I found that I had not transferred my address book to the new netbook I was using, so had to find the email addresses of the friends I was writing to by roundabout means.

I then wended my way back to Euston, and back to the boat. A easy going gentle day. The only other thing of note is that I have, at the prompting of one of my friends, joined Facebook, and this blog is now being fed through to that network.

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