Sunday 1 July 2007

2007-05-14 Monday Namche Bazaar alt 3440m

Met up with David Coates, who is doing all the calibration of all the testing equipment, up to and including base camp, and possibly higher. He spends his time going from testing station to testing station, with his calibration equipment which is carried by two porters - one lump is an unmanageable 45k. He is good friends with the farmer, Robert Weston, at Grafton Regis, whose farm is just up the canal from my moorings, and which is much larger than I realised. Went into Namche to buy a few odds and ends including a kerchief in order to block the dust from my mouth and throat. The lodge is very good, and the owner, who has a sherpa museum in the base of the hotel is very accomodating. He is completely deaf, so communication can be difficult, but he is very willing to please. The grounds of the hotel have a crashed helicopter as part of the decor - not a very usual form of decoration.

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