When I broke-out of the trek, and descended back to Paro, my main question was 'what now?' Karma, the owner of the travel agency, Travel with Nivvana, was much more precise. Her questions for me were: 'do you want to see a doctor so you can claim on your insurance?'; 'do you want to rearrange your flights so you can return home?'; and 'do you want me to arrange a cultural trip?'.
I responded that I wanted to see more of Bhutan, we worked out, over the next four days, to put together a trip that would suit me. It ended up taking so long as all the government agencies were closed over the weekend, and so could not issue revised permits and visa.
My parameters were that I wanted to see the cultural sights of Bhutan; its landscape and scenery; and wanted the opportunity to do some wildlife photography. In addition I preferred to go to fewer places, and spend several days at each spot, rather than rushing from place to place. Adding a cost ceiling completed my part in these preparations. So for these four days I wandered about Paro, and its immediate environs.
It was only after returning to Paro that I started to get a full idea of how pervasive and important archery is in Bhutan.
The other sight of interest was a motor bike. I knew Royal Enfield were continuing to be made in India, but I had not seen a pure Indian design. The bike below corrected this omission.

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